Tools of the Cleaning Trade
I wanted to give you some information on the tools that I have found very helpful in my business. First one is my back pack. Finding something that worked took a long time. I suffered over many different items including a modified shopping cart, various bags and truth-be-told nothing worked until I found a large backpack on wheels. With its many exterior pockets and large interior, lugging all my stuff has turned into a breeze. The rolling bottom wheels make a huge difference as I would not have bought the back pack with out them.
For the vacuum accessories I stick them in the rear pocket of the back pack. When I am unloading my van, I can empty items and replace with other items depending on the job I am going to. Pulling this back pack fully loaded is the easiest thing ever!
Hand Tools for Floors
A paint scraper or chisel are important tools for getting unidentified gunk off the floor. I prefer a duller edge with this type of use as I do not want to chance hurting the surface I need to scrape. All sorts of stuff can get ground into a floor and fingernails are not a good tool either. Your local hardware store has many options available from plastic to metal, sharp or dull. Just make sure you have this as part of your tool chest for everyday work. You’ll see it will become invaluable.
Other tools
A metal tooth brush is another invaluable tool. The metal has to look like steel. Copper wire brushes cannot be used. This tool is used mainly on shower grout. It works great on this, saving you from too much scrubbing. Because of different materials used in construction I would test a small spot first before going full out with scrubbing action. Just a safety precaution to protect any unforeseen mishaps.
Steel wool pads from the hardware store are available in fine or course grade. I only use fine grade. These are safe for toaster ovens, cooking ovens and many other uses. I keep them in a small plastic container. They are not used a lot but come in handy when needed. Even offices usually have a toaster oven and microwave.
Scrub and Toilet Brushes
Libman produces the best brushes that last a very long time. I do not use any other kind. Just search their name and go to images and you will see the wide variety available. So far, in ten years experience, they are the very best!

Squeegee’s are good to have on hand as well. This is kept in my house and only comes out when needed. The beauty about squeegie’s is that you use the special rectangular bucket, add a squirt of dish soap, mix and start. Its pretty easy to do windows well.
There is an incredible array of squeegees on the market. Here is a picture of the one I use.
This is one of those trial error efforts to figure out what works for you.
The main trick with squeegees is to use a rag to wipe off the blade after every swipe.
Cotton bar towels are the best for glass. Microfiber is excellent for grabbing and holding dirt. There are many varieties on the market but I will tell you that I prefer the medium thickness. There are really thin cheap ones and those I hate. Look on Amazon for a wide array of choices and pick only the ones that have a very large number of reviews and are at least 4.5 stars. Microfiber wholesale is another option for purchasing microfiber clothes, mops and mop heads. They have good prices and excellent products.
Spin Mop System
There are so many spin mop systems on the market that again, it would be best to go by reviews. The only useful tips I can give you are as follows; do not buy a mop that twists and locks, they break too easily. The locking mop with a lock that flips up to lock and down to release is the better design. Some options have a pedal you pump on the side of the mop pail and the other is unlocking the mop pole so that the bottom of the mop spins by being pumped up and down by using the pole. Either design is fine its a matter of preference. I highly recommend this system because they make it easier – no more bending so much and wringing with your hands.
Flat Head Mop
Everyone should have a flat head, microfiber mop. Go to Where you can find a wide array of excellent products. I keep a large supply of replaceable flat-head-mop-microfiber-mop-pads at all times. It just makes it easier to replace a head than keep rinsing if it gets very dirty.
This photo illustrates the mop kits that microfiber wholesale offers on their website.
Cleaning the mess in you surroundings is not easy as that like chewing a gum, you need effort to do those things to finish everything. All we want is to breath fresh air and we could make it if we have clean environment.
I enjoyed your story on how you found your cart. I can see how the cart would be an essential item for your work. It reminds me of batman’s utility belt. It carries all the items you need to get the job done.
Thank you Daryl. I had to change it cause the cart broke but found something else that works, which is similar. Deb
I love the DIY cleaning kit that you have assembled! great work and a great post!
Nice little read, Debbie. I can’t tell you how many things get stuck to the floor in the day cares that I service. I particularly like one of the paint scrappers that you don’t have to bend over to use. It saves time and my back isn’t killing me the next day!
Hi Debbie, Lots of great advice you offered for cleaning. We offer professional office cleaning in Raleigh, NC. You shared a lot of great tools used for cleaning.
Thank you,